Egan Company

Project HEAT’S ON

November 17, 2017

The coldest months of the year are just around the corner and this means one thing if you’re a homeowner — turn on the heat!

Paul DeRosier, Egan Pipefitter Field Leader, and Trent Froberg, Egan Pipefitter Apprentice, donated their time and expertise to do just that through Project HEAT’S ON. This fall, DeRosier and Froberg volunteered to ensure a local homeowners house was safe and more energy efficient for the winter months.

Project HEAT’S ON was started in 1986 by the Minnesota Pipe Trades Association to service and repair furnaces of the elderly, disabled, and low-income homeowners. Each year, hundreds of pipefitters from 11 different unions statewide come together to participate and give back to the surrounding communities.

