Egan Company

One Trade - Building
a Family Tradition

June 29, 2017

The saying “like father like son” holds true for the Hedtke family with four generations in the sheet metal trade, three of whom have worked for Egan Company.

“My father was already in the business, so I decided to give it a try too,” said Dale Hedtke, Egan Company Sheet Metal Field Leader. “It’s what you did back then… 33 years later and I’m still loving it.”

In 1984, Dale followed in his father’s footsteps and joined the union (Sheet Metal Workers Local 10). Thirty years before that, Dale’s father, Donald Hedtke, followed in his father’s footsteps and joined the local sheet metal union. And now, Hunter Hedtke, Egan Company Sheet Metal Apprentice, has followed in his father’s, grandfathers, and great-grandfather’s footsteps by joining the union and continuing to make the sheet metal trade a family tradition.

Donald worked as the Egan Company Sheet Metal Shop Foreman and on various Egan projects throughout his career, and Dale and Hunter are currently on a jobsite together for a Mystic Lake Casino project.

Egan has been a great place to work. I like working with the people and knowing I’m part of something good. It’s one of the reasons I’m still here, knowing the good Egan does.

– Dale Hedtke, Egan Company Sheet Metal Field Leader
