Egan Company

Donating Food for Local Families in Need

November 21, 2016

When we set goals, we not only meet them, but exceed them! Egan employees in both the Twin Cities and Southern Minnesota offices banded together during our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive to exceed our goal of donating five barrels of food with a total of eight overflowing barrels of food for local families in need.

Partnering with the Twin Cities based Community Emergency Assistant Programs (CEAP), and the Southern Minnesota based Channel One Regional Food Bank and The Salvation Army in Austin, employees donated non-perishable items so families in our community can enjoy a Thanksgiving meal.

CEAP is a Brooklyn Park-based nonprofit dedicated to helping families gain financial stability and maximize their ability to live independently. Channel One Regional Food Bank is nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping feed people in need in Rochester, MN. The Salvation Army in Austin is a local center of the national Salvation Army that operates across the United States. Their mission  is to feed, to clothe, to comfort, to care. Thank you to CEAP, Channel One Regional Food Bank, and the Salvation Army for providing food and comfort for those in need this holiday week.
