Egan Company

Safety Milestones – September 2016

September 30, 2016

Safety - EHS leadership conference

Over the past few weeks Egan has celebrated a few safety milestones:

  • 10 years! Our Service Garage team recently celebrated 3,650 days injury free!
  • The Egan team on the Grand Casino-Mille Lacs expansion was recognized and selected as the Safety Crew of the month.
  • Matt Tembruell, Egan Company Plumbing Field Leader, was recognized as this month’s Safety Champion at the Grand Casino-Hinckley expansion.
  • Jason Lindula, Egan Company Safety Coordinator, spoke at the 2016 Safety Leadership Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. He shared tips and techniques on how companies can ensure a top-down leadership approach to safety.

Thank you, everyone, for continuing Egan’s safety commitment on all jobsites, in all shops, and in all offices!

Together, Safety Brings Us Home.
