Egan Company

Safety Measures Add Up

January 31, 2024

“Safety first” is more than just a saying at Egan Company. It is a foundational belief that paves the way for great work, successful projects, and most importantly, the health and safety of our team. In 2023, Egan renewed our commitment to safety by prioritizing the core value and putting it first each and every day. 

This enhanced focus on safety resulted in our lowest recordable incident rate in Egan history: 1.27 (down from 1.95 in 2022). We are proud to be significantly below the industry average, thanks to the hard work of our employees. This number represents a number of things: the amount of injuries recorded throughout the year, the impact of incidents per hours worked, and of course, the hard work that goes into minimizing risks on the job site and reducing workplace injuries. Achieving a record-low incident rate required a daily commitment by every team and every individual, whether they were working from home, in the office, or on job sites. This number shows that our efforts pay off, and a future with zero workplace incidents is possible. 


Every day, Egan employees show up to work dedicated to the task at-hand and the safety of themselves, their colleagues, and their environment. By taking time to put safety first, we were able to do better work and go home safely.

This was done in a number of ways:

Daily Safety Planning – Before beginning work each morning on job sites, our crews participated in Daily Safety Planning, which outlined the day ahead and discussed potential hazards, risks, and considerations for teams to be aware of. Starting the day with a focus on safety helps set the tone and establish expectations on the job site.  

Toolbox Talks – Each week, Egan field leaders conduct “Toolbox Talks,” sharing important company updates and messages to their teams. Included in these weekly updates are important safety reminders and focuses, which often center around specific safety tips, equipment handling, or other necessary safety messaging.

Safety Lunches – Hard work does not go unrewarded. Teams who went injury free in a month during 2023 were recognized with a lunch. This helped reinforce our initiatives and reward the efforts made by each team throughout the year. 

Safety Absolutes – Through 11 specific messages, Egan has established non-negotiable safety expectations for every employee to follow. These absolutes are guiding principles for how we can ensure safety in everything that we do.

Individual and Team Efforts – Each team member, whether they work in the field, in the office, at home, or anywhere in between, plays a part in creating a safe work environment. We all contribute to a culture of safety and teamwork everywhere we go. 


While Egan achieved a record-low incident rate in 2023, our goal is zero injuries. We are continuing to work together to meet that goal and ensure every team member can go home at the end of the work day without injuries or near-misses. Everything adds up on the jobsite and in the office to lead to zero injuries and a safe work environment. 

“It’s inspiring to reflect on our achievements throughout 2023,” said Reid Romer, Egan Company Safety Director. “For the past 18 months, we’ve shifted our mindset to integrate safety and risk assessment into how we pursue, plan, and execute work. When we  manage our risk well on the front end, the results will follow. The result is a signal that we are building a strong balance between safety, quality, and production. This is important because safety is our leading core value. Our industry and customers are elevating their standards, so leading with safety is necessary to be sustainable. We’re on the cusp of what we’d consider best-in-class performance within our industry. It is the leadership within our organization, from our CEO to field leaders, that contribute to our culture of safety and instill that value in everyone who wears an Egan hard hat.” 
