Egan Company

Backing Local Lobbying Groups for Work Zone Safety

April 11, 2019

Two local lobbying groups, Citizens for Safe Work Zones (CSWZ) and AGC of Minnesota, have introduced bills that improve safety for Minnesota road workers. Egan Company has partnered with these groups and support their effort to make a positive impact on work zone safety at the legislative level.

Egan’s involvement has included guidance and recommendations to CSWZ and AGC of Minnesota, as well as providing testimonials before legislative committee hearings. We also have supported both of the parties’ objectives around eliminating distracted driving as a result of handheld mobile phones.

CSWZ Objectives for the 2019 legislative session:

  • Increased speed enforcement activities in work zones (inclusion of automated speed enforcement in work zones with speeds 45+mph)
  • Public education campaign on work zone safety
  • Establish collaborative expectations with MNDOT to improve baseline work zone safety requirements to protect contractors working on the road
  • Specific traffic control and worker protection requirements for all MnDOT jobs
  • Appropriate and additional funding from MnDOT
  • MnDOT/contractor contractual review process to ensure adequate worker protection per project

AGC of Minnesota Objectives for the 2019 legislative session: 

  • Proposing/supporting bill to enact state law against using hand held mobile devices in work zones
  • Supporting additional bill to enact state law against using hand held mobile phones in a vehicle

While there is no definite timeline for these bills, more information will be available at the end of the 2019 legislative session. As a company, we will continue to support state and industry legislative initiatives that improve the safety of Minnesota road workers.
