Archive for the ‘Decarbonization’ Category

Improve Energy Efficiency in Your Refrigeration Systems

Monday, September 16th, 2024

The energy used to operate industrial refrigeration systems account for approximately 5.7% of the total industrial energy consumption in the United States according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Industrial facilities require significant energy demands, which can affect the costs of running the facility, as well as impacting the carbon footprint of the company. When it comes to refrigeration systems, maintaining peak performance is critical to ensure the quality and efficiency of the products and goods being held within the facility, and energy efficiency may not be at the top of mind for system operators. However, implementing energy efficiency strategies can reduce operating costs, improve the carbon footprint of the facility, and optimize the way the systems are run. 


Conducting regular energy audits can help identify areas within your facility that can be upgraded. Analyzing your refrigeration system’s patterns, energy consumption, and overall operational health is the first step to enhancing the way the system is run. Working with Egan’s industrial refrigeration experts and UL 508A Panel Shop ensures that nothing is missed in a system audit, and can help establish plans to improve the energy efficiency within your facility. 


Once energy efficiency opportunities have been identified through an energy audit, consider upgrading your equipment to maximize the efficiency within your facility. Newer refrigeration systems are designed to consume less energy while delivering optimal performance, resulting in significant cost savings over time. Energy efficient industrial refrigeration systems are becoming industry standard and operate at the same or better performance than older equipment. With increased performance at reduced operating costs, energy efficient industrial refrigeration systems can make a significant difference in the way facilities are run.


Whether you are updating legacy systems, overhauling your entire refrigeration systems, or are looking for small upgrades to improve efficiency, smart controls and system automation technology can help. Custom refrigeration controls, like Egan’s Refrigeration-IQTM, enable operators to monitor and adjust energy consumption in real-time, improving the energy consumption of the system without compromising performance. Additionally, automation can integrate within your facility to adjust throughout the day. Configuring day/night settings, defrost cycles, and other adjustments can improve the way your system runs. Rather than equipment running at full capacity 24/7, automatically adjusting the settings can optimize the way the whole facility works. 


Prioritizing energy efficiency not only benefits the bottom line but also contributes to a more environmentally friendly operation. Facility operators can configure custom settings based on their specific needs and system requirements, so the refrigeration equipment utilizes only the energy necessary to ensure product quality and safety. 

Find industrial refrigeration solutions that work for you with Refrigeration-IQTM controls from Egan Company. Our UL 508A Panel Shop in Champlin, Minn. can design and manufacture custom control panels that meet your needs. From system design to project commissioning, our CIRO certified engineers can work with you to improve the energy efficiency within your facility. Get in touch with Egan’s refrigeration experts to learn how to maximize the performance of your industrial refrigeration system.

How to Integrate Electrification Efforts into Future Projects

Wednesday, March 27th, 2024
Tesla charging

As new legislative initiatives take shape and decarbonization goals are on the horizon, integrating electrification efforts into future construction projects has become a top priority for general contractors, project  owners, and property managers. New technology and practices are leading the way to create sustainable buildings and carbon-neutral campuses. Electrification is at the forefront of carbon-free initiatives for many builders, and integrating electrification technology and practices into new builds or retrofit projects is becoming increasingly common among projects of all sizes. 


Targeting heating and cooling systems during new construction and retrofit projects can significantly reduce energy consumption and improve the associated costs within a building. Energy efficient alternatives to traditional HVAC systems, including heat pumps and geothermal systems, are ideal for contractors and building owners who are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and potentially receive tax incentives for integrating sustainable building practices into their projects. The electrification of HVAC systems can improve the energy efficiency of buildings, as well as the comfort. These systems can integrate with updated building automation systems to adjust to daytime temperatures and improve the quality and comfort of the facility all year round. 


Solar panels

Whether it is a corporate campus or a single-building facility, renewable energy sources offer significant benefits in offsetting carbon production and electrifying facilities. On-site solar and wind generation systems are common alternative energy solutions, as they can be scaled to different facilities and provide major benefits in energy costs and decarbonization goals. In addition, building-integrated photovoltaic solar (BIPV) technology is also gaining popularity, as it combines solar panels with building exteriors, enhancing both aesthetics and energy efficiency. Partnering with low-voltage contractors who understand the electrical codes and requirements for this technology is the first step to achieving carbon neutrality and receiving tax incentives and cost benefits. 


Smart building technology plays a crucial role in maximizing energy efficiency and integrating electrification to new and existing buildings. Automation systems, LED lighting, and energy management systems are the perfect solution for retrofit projects, as they do not require significant demolition or reconstruction of buildings. Installing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations is another way to improve the sustainability of a facility and meet future demand as EVs continue to rise in popularity. Smart building technology is also common for new builds, as well, helping project owners and building managers get ahead of the curve and begin optimizing energy usage and reducing waste right away. These systems can be customized to each project, giving owners full control over their building and optimizing the way they run the facility day-to-day.


Integrating electrification efforts into future projects is a proactive step towards a sustainable and carbon-free future. By implementing sustainable technologies and building practices, project owners, general contractors, and property managers can potentially receive tax benefits, as well as long-term cost reductions in the operations within the facilities. 

Whether the project is a new build or a retrofit within an existing building, Egan Company is ready to help bring your electrification goals to life. Our multi-trade expertise enables us to deliver electrical and mechanical solutions through a single partner, improving the flexibility and efficiency of your project. Begin your next project and consider how Egan Company can help you achieve your decarbonization and electrification goals. 

Driving Toward a Carbon-Free Future

Friday, February 16th, 2024

Out of the 15 Minnesota-based Fortune 500 companies, at least 11 have laid out formal plans to achieve net-zero emissions within varying timelines, all before 2050. Achieving these lofty goals to see significant reductions in their carbon footprint will require teams of consultants, engineers, contractors, and partners to design and execute plans that are aspirational yet practical. 


In the last decade, companies have focused hard on improving carbon reduction through transportation initiatives. While this has shown success, the next area of focus for many will be the buildings, facilities, and operations of the companies themselves. 

Commercial and industrial facilities will need to take a multi-pronged approach to ensure they’re truly producing fewer carbon emissions in the future. Engineering firms have identified key areas to focus on and develop innovative solutions that eliminate carbon emissions while minimizing downtime and ensuring a smooth rollout and implementation.

1. Heating and Cooling

One of the largest areas of improvement for companies big and small is in HVAC systems. Heating and cooling buildings — especially in states with extreme weather such as Minnesota — can quickly become expensive and can increase carbon footprints. In order to effectively achieve carbon neutrality, commercial facilities will need to target their mechanical HVAC systems internally, as well as external factors that can affect their efficiency. 

2. Energy Production

Commercial entities can make significant strides in emission reduction efforts by implementing renewable technology. Onsite solar and wind generation are fairly well-known sources of clean energy, and new solutions are nearing market-readiness as well. Building-integrated photovoltaic solar (BIPV) is another form of on-site solar that industrial and commercial customers can consider. Acting as both an insulated exterior as well as a solar panel, BIPV technology is making its way into the industry, allowing larger-scale opportunities to generate electricity on-site while improving the aesthetics, insulation, and efficiencies of commercial buildings. 

3. Smart Buildings

Honing in on “smart buildings” is a priority for engineering and architectural firms around the country. Focusing on energy efficient LED lighting, building automation, and LEED certifications will change the way buildings are operated and companies are run. For both new builds as well as retrofit projects, engineers and contractors calculate carbon reduction through equipment replacement and overhauls, as well as integrating energy management systems. This equipment and technology enables property owners, building managers, and project leads to connect to their buildings 24/7/365, and can even qualify for various tax incentives. Engineers and contractors work together to conduct building audits to identify areas of improvement and provide recommendations to increase efficiency and reduce carbon output. 


Engineers and architects are already hard at work designing custom solutions for new projects and retrofits around the state and country. Many are finding local CPA firms to partner with in order to package tax incentives and other benefits to project managers as a result of implementing carbon-reduction initiatives. The next step in the process is then to execute the plans, which requires dedicated teams of electrical and mechanical experts who understand the intricacies of installing and retrofitting such equipment. 

Oftentimes, building-wide changes such as these require multiple contractors to work alongside or around each other. Selecting a single partner to complete building-wide overhauls and renovations adds conveniences and reduces bottlenecks in scheduling, as well as sharing plans and spaces. 

Egan Company is uniquely positioned to become a single-source contracting partner for engineering and CPA firms seeking to deliver a single package of services to GCs, property developers, and building owners. With 12 specialty trades — including in-house MEP trades and professional services — Egan is able to plan, design, and build projects focused on decarbonization. By partnering with engineering firms who are looking for competitive packages, Egan is able to cut down on the costs of an additional contractor and keep the project tight-knit and expertly completed. 

Decarbonization projects are on the rise, and both new builds and retrofits are ideal places to continue your carbon neutrality efforts. Select the right partners who have a strong position in the market to execute your plans and help achieve your goals. Egan Company continues to invest in new technology, training, and partnerships with local engineering firms who are dedicated to finding carbon-neutral solutions on a global scale.