Egan Company

Breaking the Glass Ceiling

October 17, 2016

A recent article in Glass Magazine, highlighted the lack of women in construction and how some companies in the glass industry have made efforts to solve a worker shortage by recruiting more women to join the industry.

Tim Woolworth, Egan Company Senior Vice President, was interviewed for the story, providing insight into how Egan’s InterClad team deals with potential worker shortages.

[Hiring women] would help offset the labor shortage and we have experienced this on recent projects,” says Woolworth. “Some of these recent past projects have field labor utilization goals requiring a certain percentage of the field crew be … female. These goals have raised awareness for the unions and ourselves that have helped put a focus on new female recruits.

Read the full article here. 

DebLindquistIn addition, one of Egan’s Senior Project Managers from our InterClad team, Deb Linquist, was featured in Glass Magazine’s article about women in construction. Way to go, Deb!
