Egan Company

2020 Safe Subcontractor Of The Year Presented To Egan Company By Ryan Companies

July 30, 2021

If you know Egan Company, you know how important safety is every day, on every job. Ensuring that each employee makes it home safe every night is an Egan Company core value. 

This week, Ryan Companies recognized Egan as its 2020 Scott Beron Safe Subcontractor of the Year.  Beginning this year, the award memorializes the extraordinary safety commitment of Scott Beron, Ryan Companies’ safety director who passed away last fall.

Field Leaders and Project Managers at Ryan Cos. vote for the award based on attitude toward safety, safety program enforcement, compliance, creative safety solutions, and several other criteria. This is Egan’s second time receiving the Safe Subcontractor of the Year award from Ryan Cos.

Several of Egan’s leadership and project team members were honored to accept this award at an event held at the Ryan Cos yard. In addition to the award, Ryan Cos presented a generous $1,000.00 donation to Community Emergency Assistance Programs (CEAP) on Egan’s behalf as part of the recognition.

Many thanks to the whole Egan team for their daily commitment to safety as well as Ryan Companies for recognizing our team’s efforts!
